
When replacing existing fireplaces, homeowners now have various options. Fireplace inserts are the most common means of revamping an old fireplace. While gas fireplace inserts remain popular, many individuals are now considering the benefits of an electric fireplace insert. For existing fireplace replacements, this is...

As you introduce a new tiny family member to your home, there are numerous adjustments to be made to keep your spaces “safe” for your child. Though baby proofing your entire house is not an invitation to let your baby roam free, some simple proactive...

Even when built with robust, heat-resistant materials, logs in a gas fireplace insert may eventually need to be replaced. Though it is very unlikely your logs will become brittle or break, it is possible for burn marks and fading to occur within the first 3-5...

We get it. You chose the gas fireplace insert option to AVOID all the cleaning. At the risk of raining on your parade, we must advise you schedule an annual cleaning of your fireplace gas insert chimney for years of safe and reliable operation. While...

A gas fireplace offers a high level of convenience and appeal for homeowners. It enables the heating of an individual space in your home quickly, while at the same time reducing the potential energy expenditures associated with the use of a centralized furnace heating system....