Can I Replace The Logs In My Gas Fireplace?

Can I Replace The Logs In My Gas Fireplace?

Even when built with robust, heat-resistant materials, logs in a gas fireplace insert may eventually need to be replaced. Though it is very unlikely your logs will become brittle or break, it is possible for burn marks and fading to occur within the first 3-5 years of heavy use. If you are looking to replace your gas fireplace insert logs, Kozy Heat has a vast selection of various styles, sizes, and price points to meet your exact needs.

If your gas fireplace has been running for over 3-4 years, you may benefit from taking a look at your current fireplace logs. Are they the original texture and color as you bought them? Staining or burn marks on the logs? If you use your gas fireplace insert on a regular basis, you likely answered yes to one o all of these questions. Help revitalize the original beauty of your fireplace by replacing your logs through Kozy Heat. Our experts can help you match a new set of logs with your current décor and fireplace design.

At Kozy Heat we are more than just gas fireplace manufacturers. From log replacements and mantel accessories, to modern gas fireplace inserts, we build our inventory around bringing the best design, craftsmanship, and quality to your home. Want to transform your space into a Kozy winter getaway? Contact us today by calling 800 253 4904, or visiting our website to browse our inventory of amazing fireplace options.