Why Use Zone Heating

Why Use Zone Heating

Many homes are heated with a standard, heating system with no zones that controls the temperature of the entire house as a whole. A house that uses zone heating, on the other hand, enables the temperature of each zone or room to be controlled individually, so comfort is maximized and energy costs are minimized. Several factors can serve to adjust a zoned system and these include personal preferences, environmental conditions, and usage of the rooms or zone. Heating systems that use zoning enable the distribution of heat more effectively when and where it is needed.

How It Works

In a standard, non-zoned heating system, every room in the house is heated equally, whether or not that room is occupied. However, when zones are created in a home, each zone has a different thermostat and a different temperature can be set for each one. A control panel that operates the system connects all the thermostats together.

Consequently, the amount of energy that is used to heat and cool a home can be better controlled, which can improve the environment of the home and save on utility bills. The result has complete control over the environment of the home. If programmable thermostats are paired with the zone heating, then even further reductions in utility bills can be achieved. At Kozy Heat, we provide solutions with wood, gas inserts, stoves and direct vent gas fireplaces which can also contribute to energy savings.

Zone Heating Benefits

A home that is properly zoned can result in greater comfort and control throughout the home in addition to savings on costs for heating. With individual zones, unoccupied or rarely used spaces such as storage spaces or guest rooms do not have to be heated. Parts of the home that get colder than others can be adjusted accordingly to be more comfortable.

A home that uses zone heating typically sets the first floor of the home as one zone and the bedroom area on the second floor as a separate zone. In this fashion, the main floor is heated during the day and the second floor can be heated at night, so that the unoccupied areas of the home can be cooler during the night when not in use.

At Kozy Heat, we build energy saving fireplaces – contact your local dealer today!