What are the Advantages of a Gas Fireplace?

What are the Advantages of a Gas Fireplace?

Fireplace technology has moved forward considerably in the recent past compared to many years ago. Once upon a time, wood-burning fireplaces pervaded homes throughout the nation, with smoke billowing out of chimneys throughout the winter months. Today, it seems that gas fireplace units have replaced those old smoky fireplaces of the past. The direct vent gas fireplace has become very popular as an auxiliary form of heat in new and existing homes, and help owners save time and energy costs. At Kozy Heat, we offer a wide range of highly efficient gas fireplaces and fireplace inserts for your home.

Convenient and Easy to Use

Efficent gas fireplaces bypass the often messy and time-consuming tasks of fetching, chopping, and storing firewood. These fireplaces are controlled easily by the flip of a switch or the press of a button, and maintain a consistent, clean look no matter how much you use them, as long as you do yearly cleaning and upkeep. Adding to your convenience, many of the gas fireplaces offer a remote control option, and can even be controlled through a timer. Since gas fireplaces do not require a chimney for use, they can be installed in various rooms within a home, making them an easy choice for adding warmth to any space.


The installation of the gas fireplace within a home is not overly expensive, and it can also save you a significant percentage on your heating bill. Using a gas fireplace, it is possible to achieve Zone Heating, in which you only heat the rooms you use and reduce your use of a central furnace system.

Minimal Maintenance

Gas fireplaces do not produce ash or creosote, which means no build up occurs when you use them. With minimal cleaning necessary with gas fireplaces, the only maintenance required is yearly inspections to ensure your unit’s safety.


When you use a gas-burning fireplace, there are no toxic fumes or flying sparks to be concerned about. All of our gas fireplaces have a decorative safety screen front to protect your family and pets from hot glass. With a family or pets, it is easy to see why a safer option could be appealing to many buyers.

Heat Faster

Due to them being highly efficient, gas fireplaces are able to dispense more warmth in a short period of time versus a traditional wood-burning fireplace. Additionally, many units include built-in blowers that push warm air into the room quickly.

To learn more about the modern gas fireplaces and fireplace inserts we offer at Kozy Heat, give us a call today at 800.253.4904 or fill out our contact form.